About me

About Kwon8429

2012-10-28 10.25.58

name : soonsuk

age : ?????? (top secret)

nickname : Kwon8429,Kwon8429channel

date of birth : 12 september

first mindstorms set : two 9797 educations base sets and one resource 9648 set

first technic set : lego technic 9398 crawler 

country : south korea

city : gunsan

hobbies : making lego, playing piano,making some game

  1. Yeah lol 4/5 dentists recommend this site? What!!!??? 😀 go to settings then general to type a different one in!

  2. I thought you would have had another set before the 9398 Crawler.

  3. BTW you but your date as birth as 12th September. If you mean birthday then you don’t have to put a year but on date of birth you have to put a year 😀 Much improved since I last visited. My other tip is about the home page. The pictures are different sizes. My tip is to find one image size (in pixels) and resize all images to that size so that the home page pictures aren’t different sizes. (use paint and its easy – its on the video on nxtl under members 😀 ) Keep going~!

    • I know I have to put year to it, just you know, check out my age, that is ‘top secret’ so I didn’t put year.

      • Ah but my point is it’s not date of birth. Instead of date of birth put birthday 🙂 Then it makes sense! 😀 BTW I linked to your site on NXTL

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